Yellow Paint from Thyme | Lake Pigment | Part 4

Today I’ll be using the pigment I made a few weeks ago to make yellow paint from thyme. It’s an oil paint. I use linseed oil to make the paints, and walnut oil while I’m working with them. While I mostly left the camera running while I made the paint, I did not remember to stop and take photos. So, all I have for the process is video. I edited and cut it down to about 7 minutes. See below for a list with links to the items I use while making my paint.

Supply List

The links for each item go to Amazon, and they’re my affiliate links. Most of these things are easy enough to source elsewhere with some searching online, if you’re avoiding that source. I’ve bought mullers before from eBay, too. The problem I ran into when trying to do that is the additional cost of shipping. And, I’ve found lately that many things I’ve bought from eBay were delivered to me directly from Amazon after the eBay seller had them drop-shipped. So it didn’t accomplish my goal to use individual sellers anyway.

  • muller
  • glass plate (a cutting board like I use)
  • glass plate (a better quality, actual mulling plate)
  • spatula (I break these often, so have been afraid to buy better quality. But better quality might not break so often, so browse the options.)
  • tiny jars (I use these for holding pigments, and for watercolor paints between pan-fills. But not good for long-term storage of oil paints.)
  • paint tubes
  • walnut oil (this isn’t ‘made for paint’, but I’ve been using it and getting it from the grocery aisle at Walmart and it’s been working fine)
  • linseed oil (I do use ‘made for paint’ linseed oil to make my paints. I use walnut to thin and work with them on the canvas, for cleaning brushes and mulling plate.)

And you’ll need the pigment. I made a yellow paint from thyme that I’d cut and dried. It grows well in my garden. But the part of the process shown in this video is the same regardless of the pigment you’re using. Next year, I’ll hopefully have some weld growing, too, so I can compare the two sources. Thyme’s pigment complex is supposedly the same as that in weld, an ancient plant used for making yellow dye.

I made yellow paint from thyme out of my garden.

The Mini-Series

In my quest to make yellow paint from thyme, I made videos of the whole process, beginning with the harvest.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

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