Originally posted in 2020. I’m going through some of the older posts on my blog and refreshing them. This one really doesn’t need any changes, but it’s been a while since I’ve showcased my bald eagle painting.
I love seeing my art on the walls in other places and on the walls in other people’s spaces. It makes me happy to know these earthy Ozark pigments are out in the world bringing joy. Here are some of …
It took me some time to feel comfortable calling myself an artist. But eventually that point arrived. Then as I began to market myself as such, I found I needed to focus sometimes on “what exactly kind of artist am …
My original artwork features pigments gathered from the Ozarks. I use nature to create paintings of nature. I keep online portfolios by year at the main Wild Ozark website.
This is the first time I’ve painted Bobwhite Quail. I’ve had some requests for quail paintings, so this is my toe-in-the-water dip into that audience. How many I’ll do depends upon the market for quail paintings.
I’m still getting the hang of techniques when it comes to painting. One thing I’ve found is that details make a difference in the right places. The key is in figuring out where those details need to go. And how …