Seeking Nature and Biodiversity?

Nature and biodiversity reigns supreme at Wild Ozark, and an earthy palette is perfect for capturing it in a painting.

Everything about my life is influenced by the nature and biodiversity out here. When it comes to real estate, properties with soaked with both are my favorite ones to show. I’m probably the biggest tree-hugging nature lover in our office.

nature and biodiversity are abundant in Madison county and Northwest Arkansas.

The wilderness surrounding us here at Wild Ozark was the motivating reason I moved here in the first place. It influences my art, photography, writing, and pretty much finds its way into everything I do.

Nature & Biodiversity in my Art

Nature and biodiversity is reflected in my art.
My art, writing, and most of my online postings are created under my pen name ‘Madison Woods’.

Even my paintings are dependent on this abundant nature & biodiversity. And it’s nature art from the ground up – starting with the rocks I collect in order to make my paints. Click here if you’d like to see more at my portfolio page.

Here’s another post of mine about my art practice that you might enjoy:

If you’d like to see any of my paintings in person, I’ll be at the Bentonville Fine Art Festival Nov 9 – 10. Then again at the Art on the Border event in Ft. Smith on July 19-20. On Saturdays when I’m not at an event, you’ll find me at my studio 102 Main St. in Alpena, AR. It’s always open studio when I’m there, so come by to visit!

Dirt Roads

There’s no escaping the dirt roads if you really want to be surrounded by nature and biodiversity at the most extreme end of the spectrum of wild & rural. But those roads are also one of my favorite parts about living out here.

A long, slow drive means I get to look around a lot more. It also acts as a transition zone. When I’m heading out to go to work, I gear up to get ready for interaction with the ‘real world’. And when it’s time to go back home, that slow ride lets me shrug off the day’s stresses and get ready to be a hermit again. Love it.

However, there’s a wide range of opportunities to live near nature and biodiversity without going to the same extreme as we do. Even a small house and lot in town will have an abundance of nature out in these parts. My son had a bobcat mamma & a litter of kittens (cubs?) under his house – and he’s in town just barely off the square. Of course, that’s Kingston, which even though his driveway goes straight to pavement, it’s still a very small town.

Real Estate with Nature and Biodiversity

When it comes to real estate, properties with acres of nature and biodiversity are my favorite ones to show. I’m probably the biggest tree-hugging nature lover in our office. We have several listings with lots of nature, especially those in Newton and Madison counties. And we have properties close to pavement with small town charm and convenience.

I’d love to be your agent, so if you’re in the market to buy or sell land or homes in this area, get in touch.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!