Have you ever seen soft mud or sand criss-crossed with lines? I’ve always been told that these lines are earthworm trails.
But I’ve never actually seen an earthworm in those places, so I took that little nature mystery solution …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
These are the posts that are on the scientific side of nature.
Have you ever seen soft mud or sand criss-crossed with lines? I’ve always been told that these lines are earthworm trails.
But I’ve never actually seen an earthworm in those places, so I took that little nature mystery solution …
Originally posted in 2020. I’m going through some of the older posts on my blog and refreshing them. This one really doesn’t need any changes, but it’s been a while since I’ve showcased my bald eagle painting.
One day I …
A Book of Fun for Frog Lovers
Professor Phil Bishop (ED.)
Someone asked me yesterday about how ginseng stewardship benefits the landowner. It stumped me at first, because I’d never considered it from that angle.
To steward something is to manage or take care of something. The short …
Trying to differentiate between black cohosh and doll’s eyes before they come into bloom, has been frustrating. It’s very easy to tell once they begin the blooming process as the flower stems originate in different …
We’ll be there representing Wild Ozark and I’ll be participating in the discussion panel for medicinal plant growers and entrepreneurs. Come out and meet us, talk about ginseng and the new habitat garden, or just say hello.…
Announcement: The garden will NOT be open during May 2019. It will be open during April, and from June through September.
This is a restored habitat where you can see and learn about American ginseng …
Earlier this year I surveyed my newsletter members for their top questions. Here’s one about how to identify plants found in the outdoors.
It’s more of a comment than a question, but I’m creating this post in response to …
Valerie, don’t read this post… it’s about a hognose snake and there are pictures 😉
This is a negative lesson. Don’t do what I do. Luckily for me, it wasn’t as bad a situation as it could …
Whenever I go away from the house alone, I take my camera. A simple run to the post office or to town becomes an Ozark Backroad Photo Journey. I generally try not to do this when I have passengers or …
Winter Solstice 2015 occurs tonight at 10:03 p.m. CST
It’s a widdershin sort of time, an unwinding, a releasing. A loosening of the grip on things I need to let go of.
It’s Winter Solstice, the …
Nature has inspired some pretty cool inventions. And lots of art. My guess is that Mother Nature is the muse to a lot of artists of all types.
How often do you see something in the natural world and marvel …
Sometimes nature writers like to doodle while they’re interpreting nature. My nature journal is a combination of art and written journal entry.
It is both nature sketching and nature journal.
Here are some sample …
There are lots of videos at YouTube about wasp vs mantis, but they always show the mantis winning. Today I saw a wasp carrying the head of a praying mantis. I saw one yesterday, too.
I’ve found lots of info …
I took a little walkabout yesterday to photograph some of the flowers that are setting berries, blooming, or getting ready to bloom right now.
Yesterday’s post highlighted the orchid I’d been waiting …
I’ve been waiting a whole year to see this flower.
When I first found the plant last summer there was only the two leaves. Without seeing a flower, it’s hard to positively identify a plant, unless that plant has something …
There’s a particular woodland habitat at the far corner of our property that I love.
The variety of plants that grow there is amazing.
It’s the perfect place for American ginseng, but those plants have nearly been extirpated by diggers …
A curious thing I’m noticing by selling plants at the market is that people almost always have the same question, phrased in various ways.
It’s often the first thing they ask, in general about any …
Three species of bellwort are found in Arkansas: Uvularia grandiflora, U. sessilifolia, and U. perfoliata. The one I see most often around here is the grandiflora, or Large-flowered bellwort as it’s commonly called.
I took my little assembly of show and tell items, and a small entourage consisting of three Green Ambassadors on the road yesterday. We, or at least *I*, had been invited to speak to the Olli Group…
There’s a nice patch of Solomon Seal at the front of the driveway that was so choked out last summer that I don’t think any of them got a chance to bloom. I was …
Arnold is a Fall chicken. He hatched from an egg, along with his three nestlings way back in October (I think). The clutch of eggs that had hatched shortly before his fell prey to a large black rat snake. You …
The sounds of spring fills the night air now. Spring Peepers are calling!
The only visible signs of spring so far as I can see are the bits of wild onion grass growing with a bit more spright than usual. …