Rain or Hallucination?

Overcast and misty morning at Wild Ozark with a rain shower so brief it felt like hallucination.

So brief it almost feels now like it was hallucination, rain fell this morning while I was out feeding the critters. The chickens were all like “what’s that wet stuff coming down from the sky?”

It’s been many weeks since we had rain last and everything is bone dry, including most of the creek. It’s hard to believe that dry little creek grew to such humongous proportions so recently as June.

There are still pools of water in the deeper sections where Rob had dug it just for this reason of holding water when everything went dry. The entire creek is still there, really. It’s just about 2′ underground instead of flowing over the ground. So the dug out spots allow the water to collect where the horses and dogs and wildlife can reach it.

The pond is also still full, as it is spring-fed, and that spring doesn’t usually go dry even in the driest of droughts.

Still, a little more rain would be nice. This morning’s little spatter isn’t going to keep the dust down for long.

Color is intensifying in the maples and sweet gums. Soon the hills will be ablaze here at Wild Ozark.
Color is intensifying in the maples and sweet gums. Soon the hills will be ablaze.



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