Skip right to the discussion for your workshop: email me at I’ll bring my stash of Ozark pigments and rocks, or we can go foraging on site at your location. Plus, I’ll bring all the materials needed to make art with local colors!
I’m gathering my supplies and gearing up to do workshops featuring our gorgeous Ozark pigments. In my quest to help people reconnect to nature and cultivate a joy for local color, no gig is too small! First stop is the Girl Scout Troop of Kingston, AR. I’m bringing items to do a show-n-tell for them this afternoon.

Starting from the Ground Up
Next stop is ONSC, where we have a workshop on Sunday to start from scratch making some watercolor paints from the rocks we’ll forage from the creek. This one is sold out, but we’re planning another date in spring so stay tuned if you missed out this time!
Rainbow of Ozark Pigments
On Tuesday I’ll be leading a workshop for the Artists of Northwest Arkansas on making handmade watercolors with our Ozark pigments. For this one I’ll be bringing along a stash of my already processed powders, ready to mull and make into watercolor paints.

Want to Book or Discuss a Workshop/Presentation?
If you’d like to schedule a workshop or presentation for your group or organization, let me know! Get in touch via my contact page or email me at I love talking about making art from local pigments and I have the supplies to bring the workshop to you, wherever you are.
Making paint is a physical activity with clear visual outcomes. It easily lends itself to becoming a team-building event. If you’d like to schedule a workshop or presentation for your group or organization, let me know! I love talking about making art from local pigments and I have the supplies to bring the workshop to you, wherever you are.
Workshops can range from presentation format with slideshow and things to see and touch, or hands-on participation to make actual paints. Hands-on can range from starting at the ground to go out foraging for pigments, or I can bring a collection of already processed Ozark pigments ready to begin the paint-making process. Or we can begin at simply painting with finished paints that I’ve made from Ozark pigments Prices and formats vary. Just email me to discuss your needs.
For the hands-on workshops, we will need sturdy workbenches and a tolerance for noise and mess 😀 We can work with whatever your local pigments happen to be, so it’s not limited to strictly the Ozarks. Some areas may have more or less suitable resources.
More information
Here’s the category of posts on the topic of my paints and paint-making.