It’s my favorite time of year! The ragweed is on the decline and I can actually get outside and enjoy the weather without too much fear of repercussion, lol. I’ll start taking pics when I see colorful leaves or pretty …
Category: Fall
Kings River in Autumn | Ozark pigments in oil
A week or so ago, I started working over the underpainting I’d made for this scene. This one is different from the other two in a significant way. I didn’t have any reference photos when I started working on it …
mermaid in a sea of swirling air
5 x 7″ Mermaid, varnished no glass needed. Original and prints available. mermaid in a sea of swirling air
Gloria drops her leaves
litter like silk puddles
around her on the ground
She’s nearly nude now
The wind rolls in like …
2019 Autumn Colors in the Ozarks
Fall is my favorite time of year. I absolutely love all the autumn colors in the Ozarks. Each year I usually take a lot of pictures and post them to my blog, but last year and maybe the year before …
2018 Autumn at Wild Ozark
It’s been several years since we’ve had the splendid colors we’re having this year. Today I went out to take some pictures to share of the 2018 Autumn at Wild Ozark. Some of the photos are from our driveway, some …
October Color at Wild Ozark
Here’s a couple of photos from this morning I thought you’d like. I love fall here in the Ozarks. Late October color is often quite nice. That’s when it begins to start turning noticeably.
In the morning as the sun …
Mushrooms are Rising and Fall is in the Air at Wild Ozark
With all the rain we’ve been having, and the cool mornings for the past couple of days, the fungi are loving above ground life. This morning there were mushrooms galore!
Fall is Coming
Have you noticed fall in the air …
Delve Deeper to Observe Nature
Take a moment from your day and delve deeper to observe nature. You’ll gain a sense of awe and wonder.
Delve deeper
Truly experience that moment. If it’s a plant you’re observing, reach out and touch it (be reasonable – …
Wild Ozark Nature Journal on Kindle
What is a sketch / nature journal?
Sometimes nature writers like to doodle while they’re interpreting nature. My nature journal is a combination of art and written journal entry.
It is both nature sketching and nature journal.
Here are some sample …
Symbols of Warmth and Sustenance
I brought the camera with me this foggy morning to capture some of the beauty that surrounded me in the hushed quiet of our little Wild Ozark valley.
When I came back in I sat on the porch and listened …
Feeding critters under a gentle patter of rain
This morning I was feeding critters under a gentle patter of rain. There are times when I am tired or don’t feel like going out on my regular chore round, but for the most part I enjoy this part of …
Tangerine Sunrise, Goodreads Giveaway, Nature Sketching
When the sun rose high enough to top the trees it washed the hills in a tangerine glow. The trees are changing fast now and I really want to take pictures every day.
I have been drawing more often than …
Rain or Hallucination?
So brief it almost feels now like it was hallucination, rain fell this morning while I was out feeding the critters. The chickens were all like “what’s that wet stuff coming down from the sky?”
It’s been many weeks since …
Beautiful Fall Misty Morning
There is a silence accompanied by a misty morning that is unlike anything else.
This morning I sat on the porch to have my morning coffee. The roosters refrained from crowing. The logging activity is either done or stopped for …
It’s beginning to look like fall here at Wild Ozark
Yesterday it really felt like fall, and it does again today, too. It was almost 40*F this morning.
I took a few photos yesterday, but was in a hurry to get somewhere so didn’t bring the monopod and the quality …