Random Nature Connection

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At the Winter Solstice 2014 I began a blog theme I called “Random Nature Connection”. It never took off and no one participated, but I still keep this page in case someone stumbles by and wants to join me.

Here are the posts I wrote during that period, plus any newer ones that fit the theme. Periodically, mostly in fall, I write about topics like this.

If you’d like to join me anytime and write a post using any of these photos or ideas for prompts, you’re welcome to do so and tag me with at Instagram or Facebook. The only rule is to link to this page for the source of your image and give credit to Wild Ozark.

As I write more posts that deal with our nature connection or reconnection to nature, I’ll try to add them to this page. Sometimes it’s just a ‘random nature connection’ that I feel moved to write about or paint.

The Random Nature Connection posts:


photo of faucet dripping. Water is an integral source of nature connection for us here at Wild Ozark.

Nature’s Water

Water is such an integral part of nature, but we don’t often recognize it as such when it comes from a faucet. All water originates from nature, even water from the tap in a city. Click through to read my essay on our spring-sourced water and the things I learned when we first moved from urban south Louisiana to rural northwest Arkansas.

photo of sunset in winter in the ozarks

Do Animals Plan Ahead?

Humans tend to think a lot about the past and the future, and (at least some of us) not so much on the present. It takes a special conscious effort for me to stay focused on the present moment because I’m always thinking of what I want to do in the future. I know others who spend more time remembering the past than they spend in the present or future. Click through to read my essay on this topic.

ice lifting rock. Getting used to change is a lesson learned through my nature connection.

Resistance to Change

When I see the ice lifting tiny rocks and forming into shards and columns in this way, it reminds me of the rune Isa and causes me to reflect on how resistant all of nature is to change. Click here to read this essay.


Abundance in Nature

Foraging, harvesting and preparing foods and treats from our own land helps me to feel connected to nature. Even if you don’t own land, you can learn about the plants that grow in the area where you live. When you have time, make trips to your nearest wild areas to see what you can find. Click through to read more about my adventure with farkleberries.

old ford tractor

A Force to be Reckoned With

Is Nature a force to be reckoned with and hopefully conquered? This post is a prompt to think about our relationship with nature. Click here for this art or writing prompt!

Thimbleweed flowers

Nature Connection through Liminal Spaces

It wasn’t until 2012 that I really started paying attention to “liminality”. The phenomenon/occurrence of it fascinated me already, but I didn’t know there was an actual word to describe it. Then I interviewed Dr. Harrison Solow. Click through to read more about liminality and how it has to do with nature.

Random Nature Connection photo prompt - fiery sunset in the ozarks

Too Many Irons in the Fire

This is a fiery sunset photo taken several years ago and it prompted my idea to write this post about having too many irons in the fire. Dense dark clouds hung low on the horizon, allowing the setting sun to illuminate so brightly as a backdrop giving the appearance of wildfires raging on the distant mountains.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!


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