So far, the earliest Ozark spring flowers I’ve noticed have been the endemic Ozark witch hazel (Hamamelis vernalis). Wriggly tendrils of yellow and orange add little splashes of color to the otherwise barren winter landscape, usually in February …
Yesterday it was almost 60*F, and inspired a little walkabout in the Ozark winter to see how the pond and creeks looked, and our little driveway glacier.
For the past few days, the temperatures have been mild, above freezing. But …
At the lowest point on our driveway, there is a spring that seeps. During winters, the seep still flows. And as it does, our little driveway glacier grows. The water spreads out over the driveway and freezes into a large …
It’s another beautifully brutally cold morning here at Wild Ozark. After bundling up to go out and feed the horses and chickens, I glanced at the package of Hot Hands and decided, nah, I’ll only be a few minutes. Twenty …
Before the snow began the other day, I needed to go into town to inspect one of the properties I have listed. That turned out to be a great Owl spotting day.
The past two days have been declared Snow Days at Wild Ozark. It’s been brutally cold, but today the temperatures have warmed up to 46*F so far and it is bright and sunny outside.
Beautiful brutality are two words that seem at odds with each other, right? But that’s exactly what the natural world really is – Nature is both brutal AND beautiful.
Even the parts most people would consider ugly is still beautiful …
This is a post I wrote in 2014 on this same date. I’ve added an update in italics, and a paragraph at the end about the current situation concerning my (lack of) writing. But re-reading this post makes me want …
Well, sooner or later ever year there comes a point where it feels like winter has arrived. This week here at Wild Ozark marked that point. It’s been 19*F some mornings, but this morning was 24*F and that is plenty …
When it’s a drought, we monitor our water usage more closely than when it isn’t so dry outside. When it gets like this, before I do anything that uses a lot of water, like washing clothes, I take a hike …
The ‘Seep’ is where the ground stays wet on the far end of the horse’s field. Since it’s been so dry, I wondered if it had dried up too. Because if that spot is dry, then the creek is going …
The other day as I was driving to the office for work, I saw a beaver at the second bridge. I stopped to watch it and took some video. Then on the way home that day, I saw deer, mostly …
There’s a technique for dealing with anxiety that involves observation. It goes by many different names, but the one I know by is called the Rule of 3. I’ve found it to be excellent, not only for anxiety, but also …
Research shows that having a connection to nature is beneficial to mental health, and those who spend time outdoors are likely also enjoying physical benefits. But, those who either live in cities, don’t like the usual ways people experience …
I have a short list of critters that are often heard, but seldom seen. The spring peeper in the featured image for this post is on that list. I was thrilled to finally get to see one so I could …
This is an older post, from 2015 about resistance to change. With so much change in the air these days, it felt like a good time to repost an old post.
When you think of ‘nature’, you’re probably thinking of green spaces, trees, creeks, rivers, etc. But what else could that word encompass? This post is about questions pertaining to perspective and perception; about what constitutes nature.
After dark last night, we sat on our balcony and waited for our eyes to adjust. Seeing the Milky Way is always special, even here where we can see it often. The night was perfect for viewing – the moon …
If you’re a friend of mine in real life or through social media, you likely know by now that I’ve been making paint from rocks. And by extension, that means, paintings made from rocks. It’s not painting ON rocks.
Everything about my life is influenced by the nature and biodiversity out here. When it comes to real estate, properties with soaked with both are my favorite ones to show. I’m probably the biggest tree-hugging nature lover in our office.…
Tuesday on my way home from post-license classes, there was a sweet little grass snake on the road. I moved him out of the way, in case someone coming through later might not see him. Or worse, might wish to …