Ginseng Growing Season
The ginseng growing season is winding down now. The plants set berries earlier and most of them have ripened and fallen to the ground already. Some of the plants will soon begin turning yellow most years. We’ve …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
This is an index of posts that fall into my “Musings” category. Usually it’s on a topic that has no other defined focus, but sometimes these are also my philosophical-type posts. Subscribe to Wild Ozark™ » Musings by Email
The ginseng growing season is winding down now. The plants set berries earlier and most of them have ripened and fallen to the ground already. Some of the plants will soon begin turning yellow most years. We’ve …
It’s time for a new logo, and a permanent one. It’s taken me a few years of working on Wild Ozark to finally figure out what exactly it is that ties all of the things we do together.
Whenever I go away from the house alone, I take my camera. A simple run to the post office or to town becomes an Ozark Backroad Photo Journey. I generally try not to do this when I have passengers or …
With all the rain we’ve been having, and the cool mornings for the past couple of days, the fungi are loving above ground life. This morning there were mushrooms galore!
Have you noticed fall in the air …
I’ve been working on a few new Wild Ozark creations lately. This creative streak seems to have no end in sight, either, because ideas just keep coming and I keep feeling compelled to follow them through.
This is the …
Note: an edited and better composed version of this is posted over at Medium.
I’ve been in a crafty mood lately. It’s probably safe to say I’m always in a crafty mood. I think I’ve finally figured out why.…
Yesterday I brought my camera with me when I went to the mailbox. If I had walked, I know it would have taken more than an hour because I would have seen so many more opportunities to stop and take …
The To-Do list today started out pretty clear cut. The plan was to get an early start into town. I need more potting soil, a few groceries, and feed for the horses. That plan was nixed when I woke up …
You’ve probably referred to projects you’ve put on hold as being “on the back burner”. I understood what the phrase meant, and had used it often myself, but when we got our new/old cook stove, I learned how …
Take a moment from your day and delve deeper to observe nature. You’ll gain a sense of awe and wonder.
Truly experience that moment. If it’s a plant you’re observing, reach out and touch it (be reasonable – …
This is an untitled (newly titled!) poem by Joanna Macy, a deep ecologist. I found this poem many years ago on a website long lost to memory, but I’ve linked to Joanna’s website in her name below. I stumbled …
Some sounds are distinctly “winter”. Sometimes the sound of winter is marked by the absence of sound. Maybe it’s more correctly described as the “silence of winter”.
I am often reminded of how grateful I am to have my sense …
I’m swamped with my project list and missed my scheduled day to post here yesterday. So I’m just making a quick post to let you all know about a few things on the horizon.
Some exciting announcements coming up – …
Have you ever thought about humanity’s role in nature? Our various mythologies and religious origin stories offer some ideas that are generally accepted by many, but those are conflicting and I still wonder. Are we here …
Winter Solstice 2015 occurs tonight at 10:03 p.m. CST
It’s a widdershin sort of time, an unwinding, a releasing. A loosening of the grip on things I need to let go of.
It’s Winter Solstice, the …
Pulled this one from the archives. It’s from when I worked in Bentonville, leaving before dawn and getting home after dusk. I hated that and am glad to be working from home now, but I still look forward to mid-winter’s …
First I tried selling pretty roosters. Then I tried gifting pretty roosters.
It was my chore to pick which ones. I felt a bit like Kali (Goddess who is both giver of life and bringer …
Nature has inspired some pretty cool inventions. And lots of art. My guess is that Mother Nature is the muse to a lot of artists of all types.
How often do you see something in the natural world and marvel …
For the next two weeks I’ll be on internet vacation trying to relax and have some fun.
I’ll be trying to relax. I know I’ll have fun. But for the blog and social networks, that means I’ll be spending little …
This is an old post I’m recycling from 2009 about a funny dream. I’m going through my old blog posts and will reuse the ones I like. The old blog isn’t online anywhere anymore, anyway.
At this time I was …
Sometimes nature writers like to doodle while they’re interpreting nature. My nature journal is a combination of art and written journal entry.
It is both nature sketching and nature journal.
Here are some sample …