I have a new idea mulling around, and it has to do with grayscale…
Sometimes I get really frustrated that I don’t have the colors I’d like to have for a painting I’d like to do. For example, I’d love …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
This is an index of posts that fall into my “Musings” category. Usually it’s on a topic that has no other defined focus, but sometimes these are also my philosophical-type posts. Subscribe to Wild Ozark™ » Musings by Email
I have a new idea mulling around, and it has to do with grayscale…
Sometimes I get really frustrated that I don’t have the colors I’d like to have for a painting I’d like to do. For example, I’d love …
I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes here at the website stocking my online art shop. Artists everywhere are trying to develop a way to market online art. Here’s the update on my own effort to stock the Wild …
Today I saw a headline about the ‘New Revelations about “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, the painting by Johannes Vermeer. I’m not sure why it is surprising that the pigments of this iconic painting are earth pigments. But then I …
With the nice weather we’ve had for the past few days, I’ve been working in the garden. My hermit diaries really don’t reflect a life much different than ordinary life out here at Wild Ozark, though. The only real difference …
As I write this post, I’m still being a hermit, but with a couple exceptions. I’ve still been staying busy. It’s hard for me to imagine how people manage to get bored. I have a list of things I want …
One day I’ll change the title of this from ‘Coronavirus Hermit’ to plain old ‘Wild Ozark Hermit’ journal entries. I’m digging the staying at home deal, to tell you the truth. …
So what does a hermit do with her time during coronavirus slow downs? Pretty much the same thing I’ve always done with my time out here. Except now with less internet useage, ha. And there’s an extra little body in …
Last year I had a lot of plans for a variety of different products. This year I’m streamlining a lot. 2020’s new products plan is an effort to reduce costs and effort and increase sales and income. My next post …
As the sun rises over the ridge-top to our east the frost on our metal roof quickly responds. It sounds like rain as the melted drops fall onto the lower roof. But it’s not really raining. The sun is shining …
So I’ve done a good job of making sure the water is dripping on the cold nights and so far so good with not letting the lines freeze (since the first time I let it happen this year). But this …
You’d think by now I’d remember to do that when the first true cold snap arrives. But no, I always forget, just like I forgot last night. And now, of course, there’s no water running from my faucet when I …
I feel a sense of gratitude often throughout most days, but each year around this time, I like to compile a list of things that make me feel grateful. As the end of the year approaches, I start thinking more …
I’m going to try and start writing some of my old ‘musings’ posts again. Regularly, if I can. They might not have a lot of photos, since it’s optimizing everything that takes so much time up when I’m making a …
I’ve almost got all of my loose ends tied, my office-studio is newly reorganized, and the house is almost as clean as it ever gets. The frenzy of getting ready for a few weeks of down time is nearing the …
So I’ve been applying to various shows and exhibits since I finally have more than a few paintings I can enter. Most of the application process is straightforward – name of the work, name of the artist, price, medium, size, …
Today was pretty hot. 95*F and humid. But even if it doesn’t feel like fall yet, and we’re still in the dog days of summer, I can see a difference in the way it looks outside. The angle of the …
I didn’t intend to check the fences on the steep side of our property this evening. I say the ‘steep side’ as if there is only one. Ha. No. Most of the sides on our square-shaped 160 acres are steep. …
So, this isn’t a ‘formal’ business plan, but more of an outline of my goals, plans, and strategy for the year regarding my art. To see the outline of intended subjects for the paintings, take a look at my Ozark …
Every year I like to make a review of the year at Wild Ozark. I didn’t think I’d get time to do it this year, but today I managed to carve out the space to get it done. At first …
Winter solstice 2018 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 4:23 PM on Friday, December 21. This is the longest night of the year, and although I typically think of it as …
It’s been a busy past few months at Wild Ozark. I haven’t posted as often as I normally do, and when the blog goes silent, it’s usually because there’s just too many other things on my plate. Just in case …
After 3 days of being in website purgatory, the site is finally back to the light of day.
Just thought I’d make a little post to shout out about that. You guys have no idea how much grief I’ve gone …
Such promise in a broken rock… I see paints everywhere now. Makes it hard to walk down the driveway. As if that wasn’t already hard enough before I learned about making earth pigments! The path in my office/studio AND the …
This old, beat-up looking camel leather bag is my new art satchel. I love it. It’s a souvenir from Doha, Qatar, where I’ve spent the last two weeks. It has enough room to hold my paints, journal, a few favorite …