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Making Pickles, Pickerel Frogs, and Washing Soot

Add to the list of things I’ve done this week planting lettuce, and starting a painting. But washing soot has to come before I can get a lot more done on the painting because I’m out of black paint. I also have some yellow pigment to wash, because I’m also out of the ochre yellow and my thyme lake isn’t what I need at the moment.

Making Pickles

Surprisingly, out of my two cucumber vines, I got more cucumbers than we could eat before they went bad. So I made about 6 jars of pickles. They’re a little garlic spicy, but delicious and crispy.

Pickerel Frogs

The other day I took a pic of a pickerel frog in my garden, and then again today I saw a repeat visitor that lives in my bin of coconut coir. Did you know that pickerel frogs are north America’s only poison frog?

Washing Soot

As you might imagine, chimney soot is messy. It gets even messier trying to wash and clean it up so I can make paint. When we clean our chimney every fall, I put a bowl under the flue to catch what drops down when Rob pushes the brush into the chimney from on top. This year I got a lot to work with.

First I tried my usual way of washing pigments… in jars. Well, that wasn’t working well because some of the chunks of soot float. Then I tried screening it through a sieve as I poured the water through. That worked alright, but was taking forever.

So I went to bulk washing by putting all of the soot into a towel and submerging it in a bucket of water. I’ll keep that water changed out daily until there’s less of the brown creosote smelling water and closer to simply sooty water.

Today was the first rinse in the bucket. I didn’t know what to do with the bucket full of water, so I poured it into my garden. Now, after I did that, I regretted it. I’m not sure if that’s going to kill the tomatoes or not, but at least it’s end of season and they’re not making enough fruits to miss them. I was thinking only of water conservation and reusing it, not about the toxic possibilities.

Started a New Painting

I’ve been wanting to make a large painting of something again, and I’ve been wanting to paint our old shed in my oil pigments. So, I finally pulled out the big gesso board and got started. I just won’t get too far on it until I get more black and ochre yellow paints made. But here’s where it is for now. This is just an underpainting, to give me an idea where all of the elements are at. I’ll add color to it when I get a chance to paint again. When I get the progression page started for it, I’ll add a link here.

What have you been up to?

Drop a comment to tell me what it’s like wherever you are. Right here it’s very dry. The drought is getting so bad that ponds are drying up in cattle fields. The creek is almost dry. But thankfully, our spring so far is still flowing for the house.

Have you been busy wrapping up things before the winter sets in?

I’ve got a lot going on in my personal, but staying busy with the things I enjoy doing helps to keep my sanity level … ish.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

Author/Artist Info
I make Paleo Paints from the lightfast pigments foraged from Madison county, Arkansas, creating under the pseudonym Madison Woods. Most of the colors I use comes from rocks gathered from our own creeks here at Wild Ozark. I outsource titanium for white, lapis for blue, and grow garden thyme for yellow.

My inspiration is nature – the beauty, and the inherent cycle of life and death, destruction and regeneration. My work is a partnership with the land. Immersing in her color, absorbing inspiration, taking communion. A painting begins with a foray to collect rocks, soot and bone. Each pigment, alone a portrayal of beauty, combined in a painting, becomes a whole reflection of the very soul of the Ozarks.

My Portfolio is HERE

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I’m also a REALTOR® with Montgomery Whiteley Realty, under my real name Roxann Riedel. If you’re thinking of moving to the Ozarks of Arkansas and would like me to be your Buyer’s Representative, email, text, or call me at (479) 409-3429! And if you’re moving away from or selling property in Madison, Newton, or Carroll county, I’m happy to be your Listing Agent.

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