Little Things that Make a Big Impact

Little Things can Make a Big Impact

It’s so easy to get caught up on the big things – the huge projects, major hurdles, or life in general. Sometimes it can get overwhelming. I think that noticing those small accomplishments, moments, and experiences that make up the little things in life really do add to the feeling of satisfaction, abundance, and happiness.

They Make a Difference

Here’s some examples of what I mean by the ‘little things’ and how they made a difference in my life. Just the other day, my husband made a new set of wooden steps for our back door. Now, that wasn’t a huge project like his recently completed solar project. The only reason it took more than an hour or two to complete was because he painted all of the parts individually, with more than one coat.

Little things like small home improvements make a big impact. Love my new steps!

So just in this example, there’s more than one of the ‘little things’, but all of them have to do with the same small home improvement. First, new steps. Second, he painted all the parts. And third, they’re painted in a color I love. Every time I go in or out of the house now, I notice these steps and admire them.

Oh, there’s a fourth ‘little thing’ – the height. This TINY little thing has created a huge and noticeable impact, and an unexpected one. It could even be a negative sort of impact. Isn’t it funny how we pay closer attention to things we perceive as negative impacts than we do to things that might offer similarly weighted positive ones?

The Big Impact of Little Things

The steps are a few inches closer to the same level as the floor in the house. So when we step in or step out of the house, our legs and feet are given a surprise, lol. After more than a decade of going in and out of this doorway, it’s unusual to not step down a little immediately upon exit. And it’s been surprisingly a big impact on muscle memory to my legs and feet! This will fade with time, but in the meantime, I catch myself every time I go through the doorway and expect a different footfall.

In the end, the small project also had a big impact on Rob’s morale. He can’t do much right now because of his recently amputated finger. It drives him crazy to not be working on projects of some sort. So being able to make these steps made a huge impact on his state of mind because it made a good difference to our home.

The Little Things in my Artwork

This morning’s small project brought to mind this topic of the little things that make a big impact. I’m framing Lizzy so I can bring her with me to Ponca tomorrow.

The little things that make a big impact include details in my framing.

I like to think the little things I do in my framing make a difference. How the back of a picture hanging on the wall looks might not matter to most people. But if you look at most of mine, at least the ones I’ve done lately, on the back you’ll find my certificate that gives the title and information.

There’s also the story of my pigments. But one of the smallest things that make a big difference to me is the shrink-wrap on the knots in the hanging wire. I just think it finishes up everything nicely.

The Little Things Make the World Go Around

What are some of the things you’ve noticed that matter, even if they’re ‘small’ things? What brings a smile to your face or an extra ounce of spring in your step, even if it’s just a little thing?

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

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