Welcome! You’re at the home of Wild Ozark’s “No-Tap” Kindle Picture Books on Nature

A Kindle Picture Book from Wild Ozark makes a wonderful anytime gift for yourself or the nature lover in your life!

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“No-Tap” Kindle Picture Books on Nature

The fact that you’re here means you must be one of my Kindle readers – probably of one of the “Into the Ginseng Wood” ebooks. Thank you for dropping by! (And if you landed on this page through an internet search, you’re also welcome to connect!)

The links below are ways you can follow me or get in touch. I’m always open to questions from readers so feel free to email me.

If you have plants you suspect might be ginseng, I’ll be happy to take a look at a few pictures for you.

My hope is that you’ll love this plant the way I do and want to become a steward and protector, which doesn’t mean you can’t harvest but that you harvest sustainably.

Here’s a list of all of my “no-tap” Kindle picture books:

American Ginseng & Companions

If American Ginseng is your passion, you might enjoy American Ginseng & Companions.

Although it’s not “no-tap”, it combines all of the photos from the first three “Into the Ginseng Wood” picture books, plus an added chapter on ginseng look-alikes.

This book is also available in paperback.

My Amazon Author’s page:

At my Amazon Author’s page you can see all the other books available and sign up to be notified when future books are published. I also write Ozark-inspired fantasy under the pen name Ima Erthwitch.



Keep in touch:

Blog: https://www.wildozark.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildozark

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/wildozark (if you want to connect, call me a “colleague”)

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wildozark

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/erthwitch (my fantasy alter ego)

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Kindle picture book and will take a moment to leave a review with Amazon for me. I appreciate all honest feedback because it helps me to improve my products in the future.

My nature sketches

Wild Ozark Nature Journal: Autumn 2015

This is a collection of nature sketches and journal entries from late September through early November.

The Autumn 2015 collection of Wild Ozark Nature Journal is FREE all week Monday Nov 16 through Friday Nov 20

Nature Sketches by Madison Woods, straight from the wild Ozarks.

  • Eighteen colored pencil nature sketches
  • Journal entries with each sketch
  • No double-tapping required
* Note: The images display best on full sized color readers. According to feedback, the book looks great on Galaxy pads, Kindle for PC’s (only Windows version 8 or better), Kindle Fire, and iPad. It is less than optimal on the Kindle PaperWhites, or the small screens of cell phones. Send a sample to your device to check display.

Dedicated to the Nature Lovers, for we are the bridges, the liaisons.

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