Homestead Work

We’ve been busy doing a lot of outdoor homestead work since we came home from our gold panning trip to Colorado. That’s why there’s been no recent posts from me.

The weather has been atrociously hot and I’m just too worn out by the end of a day to even type. But I figured I’d better post *something*.

Photographing Plants

Yesterday I brought the camera with me to do a wedding photography shoot for a friend. So of course I had to stop and take a few pictures of plants before I moved on to the people.

Stopped to get a pic of one of my favorite woodland plants blooming while taking a break from the homestead work.
Black Cohosh – Stopped to get a pic of one of my favorite woodland plants blooming while taking a break from the homestead work.
Queen Anne's Lace and Chicory look so pretty together.
Queen Anne’s Lace and Chicory look so pretty together.

Photographing People

Here’s my favorite photo from the wedding. The bride is one of my daughter’s friends of many years.

Wedding photo of bride and groom hands.

Reflection of the Bride
Reflection of the Bride

People aren’t my usual subjects. I find it so hard to get good group photos, but I love it when I manage to get good candid or staged shots.

A candid bridal shot.

And since I’m posting people photos, here’s my daughter’s youngest bitty girl when she stayed overnight Friday night so the other two could go to the rodeo.

The littlest bitty girl.
The littlest bitty girl.

More Work and More Homestead Work

And now I’m off to figure out why my website doesn’t come up when the naked URL is used ( without the www or http in front of it). And since Google booted me out of the  Google+ system, I’ve been scrounging around through the files removing old references and putting in the new ones for the NEW Wild Ozark Google page.  Because that all tied into the gmail login, I had to also open a new gmail account and Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools, and install new tracking codes to all the pages. That’s been a big PIA and I’m not even sure what caused the whole rigamarole, so there’s a strong possibility that whatever I did wrong the first time could happen again, lol.

Then I’m going to write on Bounty Hunter for a little while until the temps cool down again outside before getting back to the weed eating of the driveway.

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