Sunday morning: It was 33*F when I got up this morning, and I’ve decided to ignore any task list items for today. My body objects to this swing in temperatures, and prefers to go downstairs without needing to put on a jacket first. The horses weren’t too happy with it either. They grow hair very quickly, at least.
But they still act as if they’ll freeze to death if they aren’t fed as soon as I get downstairs. Rob can get up hours before me, and they’re quiet until they hear me start moving around in the bedroom. They know who fills their bowls, lol.
While everything looks like early spring outside, some of the signs are already giving me anxiety. The signs foretell the work that will be added to my task list… elderberry are starting to sprout leaves, and so are the blackberry bushes and wild roses. This means the growth around my electric fence line is soon going to need to be hacked back into submission.
The growth around the barbed wire fences in the larger pasture has needed attention since before last summer, which I have failed to provide at this point. So unless I get out there and take care of it very soon, the situation will only degrade further.
Not Feeling Motivated
It’s easy enough to ignore these things for a while. Until I can’t. That point of no longer ignoring usually means I have had to go on a wild horse hunt in the hills, because they found breaks in the fence worth exploring.
I don’t want to have to do one of those hunts, so I’m making a point to get to the fences before they do this year. But it will have to wait at least another week, because I just can’t motivate myself to go out to start on it today.
As for things I don’t mind putting on a task list, my painting is calling me to lay down some color. I might actually get around to that today. And my story is waiting for more words, so I intend to give in to that item on my list of things to do first.
Action for Distraction from Task List
Rob has been on a cleaning and organizing spree. This, unfortunately, is not one of my favorite things to do but I am necessarily involved. His tractor clutch is showing disturbing signs of impending doom, and that has sent him into the housework as a way to forget about it for now.
This clutch repair won’t be an inexpensive fix, and we need that tractor for a lot of things. It’s not something he can do and will have to haul it to a shop or the dealer. So, I understand the distress.
I just wish that cleaning and organizing was also something that helped me with my own states of distress and anxiety. LOL, quite the opposite. Staring at a jumble of disorganization with an eye for quick resolution sends my stress hormones through the roof.
I’d prefer to take things like that on a slow and protracted journey to order. My task lists are usually more manageable. And my definition of ‘good enough’ is nothing similar to his. What a recipe for a clash of emotions.
In other news, I had a closing last week and that means I’m a little closer to paying off the debt of getting into the real estate business in the first place. By the end of April, my business books should be balanced and ready to start spending more time in the black than the red. Yay, I am ready for that point.
Monday, Monday
LOL, going to work means I get to escape from the manic cleaning and organizing at home. I’m looking forward to spending my day at the office working at a task list of a different sort.
But right now, I’m opening my Word document to try and finish out a chapter. After that, I’m opening a tube of paint or two so I can work on my old shed painting.
Anyway, how have things been in your neck of the woods and what have you been up to?
Contact & About
phone: (479) 409-3429
I’m a nature-lover, real estate agent & artist. Sometimes, I also write things. I began using local pigments to paint scenes from nature in the Ozarks in 2018.
All of my artwork is available in prints, and where originals are available, they are for sale. You can find all of that over at I have a separate website for my real estate blogging and information at
For pretty much everything except real estate, I go by Madison Woods, a pen name I adopted when I first began writing and then later with my art.
Sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to know when new workshops/nature experiences are scheduled, new artwork is finished, scheduled events/shows, and just general prose about life at Wild Ozark: