Our house runs on gravity fed Ozark spring water. This was a new experience to us when we moved here in 2005 from an urban town in south Louisiana. We had so much to learn about what it means to …
Cover and Sample Page
Here’s the cover and sample page for “Forest Companions”, the last book in the “Into the Ginseng Wood” series. Should be at Amazon by the weekend! If you want to catch up on the others, heres a link to the …
First Thoughts
What is the first thought that enters your mind on waking? Are you savoring vestiges of pleasant dreams, or do you wake up already planning the day…or is there a sense of ‘oh no, not again” ?
Sometimes the first …
My Results from the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™ was a fun, free little online test, sort of like the Myers-Briggs test to determine personality types: https://www.humanmetrics.com/index.htm#intro.
After you’re done and when you click on the “Career Choices” info button, it gives some …
Broomsedge, not Fescue
An Author’s Corrections: It’s Broomsedge, not Fescue
When I wrote No Qualms I described the shadeling as having hair that resembled fescue. That’s because I’d always thought the grass I had in mind was fescue. Recently I learned that it …
Hunt Food, Gather Firewood
This year we’ve been proactive about a stocked freezer and our supply of firewood. Last year and the years since we’ve moved up here, we’ve always had a steady supply of venison, but we seem to always need firewood at …
Photos of a misty day in the Ozarks
For you from Wild Ozark™ 🙂 Grab a cuppa & enjoy!
A Misty Day in the Ozarks
One of my favorite kinds of trees, the beech, keeps leaves long after the others have disrobed and gone into winter’s sleep.
Almost …
The Ent Trees of Wild Ozark
Special Trees
Two special trees grace the dirt road where I live. There are more trees like this here and there on our own acreage, tree-beings, or trees that appear and do more than trees appear to normally do.
Of …
Where do Writers get Ideas? My Ideas Come from the Gaps
People often ask me where I get ideas for my stories. I’d never really paid attention to it much, because I’ve always had a fairly active imagination and it comes naturally to think of the things I write. Where do…
Frost Flowers
The first time I saw frost flowers here in northwest Arkansas, about nine years ago now, I thought they were trash collected at the base of weeds on the roadsides.
And then I saw a photo at Cloudland and the …