I always like to see green grass in fall among the dead leaves.
Yesterday I missed my sketching. I missed the day before that too, but had taken a photo of the leaf so I could draw it later. But …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
I always like to see green grass in fall among the dead leaves.
Yesterday I missed my sketching. I missed the day before that too, but had taken a photo of the leaf so I could draw it later. But …
Yesterday it really felt like fall, and it does again today, too. It was almost 40*F this morning.
I took a few photos yesterday, but was in a hurry to get somewhere so didn’t bring the monopod and the quality …
It’s a foggy morning at Wild Ozark, and chilly too. Feels like fall is really here now. 42*F when I looked at the thermometer right after sunrise.
I went down to the mailbox to mail a letter this morning after …
For the past several weeks one of the first morning sounds have been that of heavy equipment moving into place on the mountains to our southeast. Later, as the sun rises, it’s chainsaws. And …
Yesterday’s Nature Journal entry was created today because a new grandbaby of mine entered the world the night before and I slept through my usual drawing/entry time.
There’s a post that corresponds to this entry at the main site. You …
Today I went out on foot, backpack loaded with my towel and cushion to sit on, sketch journal, and pencils to do my daily entry for the Wild Ozark Nature Journal.
Once I found my subject, this aging Lobelia inflata …
I’ve been busy lately, but you wouldn’t know it from my lack of posts to the blog. New projects started (Wild Ozark Nature Journal) and a new website to go with it, new products, and new adventures. Last Friday I …
Each day I’ve picked what I think will be a simple subject. Today’s was a single sycamore leaf with no effort to include background, foreground or any other difficult or distracting thing.
Then as I settled in and began my …
Today’s nature sketch is of the purple asters that were growing along the driveway. Each day I try to make an entry with a pencil drawing.
The other day I got an email asking for some identification help.
From the photos, I do not believe it’s ginseng, but I can’t tell what it is. Some of them …
UPDATE 10/5/24 This is an old post from when I first started observing ginseng in the wild and among my wild-simulated patches, and thought I knew a lot more than I did. The ginseng
An older post, but still representative. Eventually I’ll update it but for now, I’ll leave it alone:
This is the second year since making Wild Ozark my full-time endeavor. Over the past year, I’ve noticed a life-cycle of sorts. It’s …
The rich Ohio soil sure turns out some nice roots.
From Marcia: “Second day out digging roots and I had a new person with me. So I was showing him what other …
Today I donned a surgical mask to go out and gather the seed pods of Lobelia inflata. Why the mask?
Well, it’s the time of year when ragweed tries to assault me when I go outside. I’m …
A while back while visiting down south I thought of PawPaw’s notebook.
My PawPaw was in his 90’s and I knew he wouldn’t be with us much longer so thought I’d ask him for his notebook while he was still …
Both of our horses foundered recently and I’m not sure what caused it. I suspect there was a large fruit drop from the persimmon and plum trees after the big flood in June.
The problems caused by eating something …
The first is the sound of prayer during the dark wee hours of the night. It’s a haunting sound, one I liked even if …
Just a notice to anyone who might wonder why there’s been no posts for a while…
I’d been really busy finishing up some projects (10 Common Plants and American Ginseng & Companions). Now that those are done I’m taking a …
There are lots of videos at YouTube about wasp vs mantis, but they always show the mantis winning. Today I saw a wasp carrying the head of a praying mantis. I saw one yesterday, too.
I’ve found lots of info …
I’m a self-reliant writer for the most part. I’m also a homesteader and close to being a hermit (hermitress) these days. It would take a lot more money than I make at it to delegate any of the tasks, homesteaderly …
Anyone who has ever ridden, or rather, *driven* a four-wheeler on a tree-lined path will know exactly why this four-wheeler is sporting a lovely branch of wilted leaves.
It’s a “spider stick”. And it’s the person in front, if you’re …
So, with all the rain here, and now with the truck being broken which means until the road mud dries up some I can’t go out anywhere, I’m doing some of the other things on my creative bucket list. I …