My granddaughter stayed the night with us last night and today I thought we could make some twig art together. She wanted us to make a bride and groom Forest Folk pair, so we went outside to gather some botanicals.…
Finding Ginseng After the Leaves Fall
It’s hard to find ginseng after the leaves fall.
If you’re looking for more information about ginseng, or the prices forums for each year, check at the blog or email me. I’ve moved most of the ginseng related …
Day 1: Leaf and Rock, Nature Journal Series
Day 1: Leaf and Rock
About the Wild Ozark Nature Journal
I’m slowly scanning my nature journal entries and adding them to this blog.
Some of you may have already seen these, because I started this a few years …
Last of the Fall Colors 2017
I spent a little time down the road today trying to capture the last of the fall colors for the year. The wind has been gusting pretty hard and many of the leaves have fallen.
It seems that every year, …
Treasure Found on a Misty Autumn Morning Walk
Most mornings, after I feed the animals, I go for a walk down the driveway. Today I brought the camera, so it wasn’t as much for exercise as it was for pleasure and to gather treasure.
I look for botanical …
Ginseng Jelly – A Delicious Wild Ozark Luxury Product
I love medicinal herbs, especially those that grow right here at home, and most especially ginseng. This year’s ginseng jelly comes in two varieties:
- Ginseng Gold (4-oz, $25)
- Ginseng/Apple (8-oz, $25) Soft-set: thicker than syrup,
Test Firing the Native Clay – Failure and Success
Yesterday I posted about cleaning the native clay and the test firing I planned to do once they dried out enough.
I’m too impatient. I should have waited another day, maybe even longer because the clay was pretty wet when …
Forest Folk Workshop at Ozark Folkways – Nature Art
We’re having a Forest Folk Workshop at Ozark Folkways!
Do you want to join me & make your own Forest Folk? It’s a wonderful way to connect with nature and tap into your imagination. December 16 is the date …
Our Wild Ozark Market Season Outlook
I like to note the firsts of things weather related. The rest of our market season outlook somewhat depends on weather, too – whether market patrons are fair-weather customers or are they dedicated like a mail-carrier, willing to go out …
Rambling On about the To-Do List
Lots of things on my to-do list today, and I guess I should be getting on with *doing* them instead of rambling on about them.
But talking about it like this helps me to figure out what all I need …
October Color at Wild Ozark
Here’s a couple of photos from this morning I thought you’d like. I love fall here in the Ozarks. Late October color is often quite nice. That’s when it begins to start turning noticeably.
In the morning as the sun …
Acorn People are a Great a Way to Justify Collecting Things
I’ve been creating Acorn People as a way to justify my obsessive habit of collecting things I find while roaming around outside.
Now I can pick up fossils, moss, lichens, leaves, twigs, and acorns and never feel a moment of …
Things Collected During My Morning Mile
I have a housefull of things collected. Some I actually do get around to using, some stay on a shelf gathering dust. A few of the most prized collected things are just there for me to look at and enjoy, …
Pixies – Miniatures by Madison Woods
UPDATE 2023: I’m not making these little pixies anymore, but there is a new line of little people in the works. Meet Ada, the first of her kind.
The Pixies from 2017:
Pixies are the most …
Just an Ordinary Blog Post, and The Lost Penguin
The Lost Penguin
Yesterday was mine and Rob’s 4th wedding anniversary. Our first date was in Eureka Springs, so each year we go back and have one of the mochas from Mud Street Cafe.
Well, I must have ordered the …
100-word Flash Fiction
Ever heard of 100-word flash fiction? I’m not sure how many of you were following this blog way back when I used to call it “Madison Woods” and used to write a lot more fiction.
Well, writing anything remotely resembling …
Driveway Flowers in September
It’s been bone dry lately. This morning I brought my camera with me so I could take pictures of the driveway flowers.
Ordinarily this would have been an “exercise walk” and I wouldn’t have brought the camera because that would …
Orange Spotted Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)
In keeping with the “spotted” theme of my last post, here’s an orange spotted jewelweed flower. I’m always trying to get the perfect photo of this flower.
A dream set-up would be when the sun is shining just *so* on …
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
I feel about as close to a miserable death as I’ve ever been.
If not for Rob who has been vigilant in his care, and his promises to hold my hand if I have to go back to ER so …
Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) at the creek’s edge in late August. It’s one of the showiest Lobelia species that grows in the Arkansas Ozarks.…
What is Nature Immersion? It’s NOT being immersed in natural disasters.
Posting an article about nature immersion probably wasn’t the best idea in the world right now, with Harvey decimating Houston and south Texas. I’m sorry. I didn’t think about the context in which the topic could be taken.
However, since …
Nature Drawing in Progress: American ginseng in October
Two years ago I made a nature drawing of American ginseng in October, with yellowing leaves against the dark backdrop of the Wild Ozark forest.
Repeating the Same Nature Drawing
Since that time I’ve learned a little more about certain …