Lousewort (Pedicularis canadensis) is an interesting plant. It’s a medicinal herb said to be effective at muscular pain relief. The bumblebees love it!
Fairy Swing Mushrooms – A New Nature Art from Wild Ozark
Update as of 112118- I’m not making these very often anymore but there are still some in stock at Kingston Square Arts in Kingston, AR.
These adorable little fairy swing mushrooms are the latest creations from the Wild Ozark studio!…
Finding the Horses on a Drizzly Easter Sunday Morning
On Sundays I generally sleep late. The alarm goes off every other day at 0500, but on Sundays I have no alarm at all and my body takes full advantage of that fact. I do not ordinarily wake up planning …
2018 Spring Awakening Watch – First Native Flowers of the Ozarks
It’s mid-March 2018 and I’m watching for the first native flowers of the Ozarks to start blooming. I particularly love the ephemeral blooms of early spring, like the bloodroot and Dutchmen’s breeches. Scroll down to see pictures and keep up …
Vernal Witch Hazel Flowers and Hazelnut too!
Today I went out to take cuttings from the Ozark Witch Hazel in the hopes of rooting them. I wasn’t looking for an American Hazelnut, but that’s what I found! I found the Witch Hazels, too. But I already knew …
Virginia Creeper Seedling in my Ebony Spleenwort Fern
There’s a Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) seedling creeping up toward the light in my spleenwort fern (Asplenium platyneuron) container. I watched it for a few days with a suspicious eye as it unfurled, because I thought it might be a poison …
Day 12 – Outline of an Ambitious Drawing
About this journal entry
I started drawing (again) when my husband bought me a set of Prismacolor pencils for my birthday in 2015. Before that it had been decades since I last picked up an art utensil of any …
Namesake of the Dragon – Another Green Dragon Drawing
Here’s the second of the Green Dragon drawings I’ve been working on. I posted the first part of it last week. This part is called the spathe (the hood) and the spadix (the long ‘tongue’) and it is the …
Frozen Fog in the Distance
We’re not getting snow this winter, but we’ve gotten a few glimpses of frozen fog, or hoar frost, at least.…
Too Many Irons in the Fire
This is a fiery sunset photo taken several years ago and it prompted my idea to write this post about having too many irons in the fire. Dense dark clouds hung low on the horizon, allowing the setting sun to …
Things I’ve Heard but Never Seen- Spring Peepers
How many things have you heard but never seen? One that confounds me every year is a little frog.
Today was a very windy and warm day, warm enough to make it easy to work up a sweat while helping …
A Green Dragon Drawing
I’ve been working on a Green Dragon drawing for the cover of NANPS’s summer issue of Blazing Star. There will be another of the spathe and spadix to do next. That one will be used in the article.
Here’s the …
Guest Post: Climate Change. Just My Thoughts and Observations
A note from Madison: Just to clear up some confusion – This is a guest post. It’s not my article. My own opinion on things is a lot more woo-woo and probably a lot less “scientific”, in spite of my …
What Does a Nature Farm Produce?
Today I took a little hike after feeding the horses. I was on a mission to collect moss and lichen-covered branches. These are just some of the things the Wild Ozark Nature Farm produces.
And that’s how a nature farm …
Things I’ve Learned (Since Moving to the Country)
These are the things I’ve learned since moving out here to Wild Ozark.
I used to think I lived in “the country”, before we moved out here. That was thirteen years ago and I quickly realized once we burnt the …
An Exploration of our Wild Ozark Bluff
Yesterday we took the day off from our usual daily work and hiked around Ozark bluff that follows our driveway. Every time we travel to and from the house, we look at it and comment that we’d like to get …
Hiking to the Wild Ozark Corner Bluff
A while back, I posted about our exploration of the bluffs along the driveway. This time we went hiking to what I call the “Corner Bluff”.
It’s not far away, either, but takes a bit of effort. Getting to …