My personal life and business life has no boundaries between each other. So my goals for 2022 are equally blended. My ‘word of the year‘ applies to both, as well: unstoppable.
Blog More Often – be unstoppable
And …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
My personal life and business life has no boundaries between each other. So my goals for 2022 are equally blended. My ‘word of the year‘ applies to both, as well: unstoppable.
And …
Rob came home from his overseas gig at the beginning of Dec. 2020, so 2021 was the first full year of him being home we’ve had in a while. It’s been busy! Here’s the Wild Ozark 2021 Year in Review. …
My largest painting to date, Whisper, was accepted into Fort Smith’s Regional Art Museum (RAM) Annual Invitational Show. The theme is Metamorphosis.
At first glance, a painting of a cow doesn’t seem to have any parallels with the theme, …
I’m working on a painting for my husband’s Christmas gift. It may not be finished in time, but it won’t be too long afterwards before I’m done. It’s the house where his aunts lived in Weesatche, Texas. It was a …
As a traditional artist who has recently begun creating NFT’s from some of my works, I feel like there’s a whole lot of unexplored territory I don’t yet understand. If you’ve followed me for the past few years, you’ll know …
I’ve finally listed an NFT artwork for sale. What is an NFT art, you ask?
Now that I’ve been wandering around in that strange world for a little while, maybe I can try to shed some light on the whole, …
I’ve long wanted to do a Great Horned Owl painting, since I drew up the list of birds of prey and put them on my To-Paint list. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of it at the very beginning. So …
With all the cargo ships moored offshore our major ports, it’s beginning to look like a Christmas gift crisis could strike major retailers. But if you’ll check out Arkansas locally made items, I bet you’ll find some things to check …
This is a collection of six North American Orchid drawings preserved forever on the blockchain. Some, like the Ghost Orchids, are extremely rare and endemic to a very small area. Others, like the Lady’s Tresses, are abundant. All of the …
From time to time I get requests for artwork that is closer to reality in color than I can get with my Ozark pigments. When that happens, I use my Prismacolor and Winsor & Newton pencils. For the next while, …
Pet Lizard Portraits are an art form I never thought I’d be doing. But I’ve done two, for two different pets and find that I really enjoy that sort of critter as a subject. There are plenty of artists doing …
Today I’m wrapping up the preparations for tomorrow’s exhibit in Springdale Arkansas. It’s a new Art Walk kicking off, and this Thursday is the first one. The weather is forecasted to be nice, and the autumn light is in the …
I’m happy to say that the online shopping cart here accepts Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a couple of other coins are optional ways to pay for items in the Wild Ozark shopping cart. If your preferred coin …
This post kicks off what I hope to be a regular feature on my blog. Please give a big welcome to Jarrod Cluck, the first subject of my Nature-Influenced Artist Interviews.
Jarrod is a native of small-town Rudy, Arkansas. He …
On Site Exhibit at the Salmagundi Club 2021
47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003
October 25 to November 5, 2021
I’m excited and honored to announce that ‘Namesake‘ will show in the Audubon Artist’s 79th Annual art …
This is close to the same content as I sent out to my newsletter list yesterday, but it’s easier to add pics in a blog post, so there’s more of them in this version. For a while I’ve been a …
Most of the time nature encroachment refers to human activities encroaching on nature. However, my post today deals with nature encroaching on human activity – specifically, OURS.
I like to leave as much of our property open to …
Some of y’all might be wondering where I disappeared to. Well, two weeks ago I was in south Louisiana to help my sister out after she had surgery. Then last week we were in Destin, Florida. That was a whirlwind …
Usually our trips away from the homestead amount to a weekly errand run. Because going ‘to town’ takes up most of the day, it feels like a cross-country journey. We’ve had and still have out of state travels this month. …
This painting of a farm, as seen from the front door of the farm house, was a commission for a real estate agent (my daughter) to give the seller. It was a difficult necessity that led the owner …
The time to plan is before you need to, and I’m trying to get better at doing that.
This post won’t go live until next weekend, but I’m writing it during a relatively calm day in what has been a …
A Book of Fun for Frog Lovers
Professor Phil Bishop (ED.)
I’ve been watchfully waiting for this week to begin. All summer, I’ve waited. Watching. And I was beginning to get a little worried that they might not be here this year. But this week the dayflowers bloomed and the pigment …
You’ll never have to agonize over what to buy a nature lover again. Get them an original painting made from a rock.
A new twist on commissions happened recently. The customer had a rock and wondered if I’d paint her …
There’s a black, gritty stone that lives here at Wild Ozark and I do not know what it is. I *think* it is a form of bitumen, a very poor quality sort of coal. Whatever it is, this is the …