Today I planted out some little bamboo plants that I bought from a seller on Etsy. It wasn’t really plants, but sections of roots that are supposed to grow into plants. I started them in pots a few weeks ago, …
Sharing the Awe | The Reason for My Art
A large part of my reason for doing art is that it gives me a means for sharing the awe I feel when I create something. Since I began working with these Ozark pigments, the level of wonder and amazement …
Nature Art in Progress | Sally (the orange spotted salamander)
This is Sally (the salamander), and she’s the third character in my whimsical Down at the Creek series. I’ll add characters to this series as they coalesce in my imagination. The series will eventually culminate in a large painting (24 …
mermaid in a sea of swirling air
5 x 7″ Mermaid, varnished no glass needed. Original and prints available. mermaid in a sea of swirling air
Gloria drops her leaves
litter like silk puddles
around her on the ground
She’s nearly nude now
The wind rolls in like …
Nature Inspired Art | A New Collection
Down at the Creek, a nature inspired series of paintings
The other day I went out with my plein air pack, intending to paint a nature inspired scene down at the creek. As usual, I’m using exclusively Ozark pigments (handmade …
The Art Gallery at NWA Mall
Have you seen the new Art Gallery at NWA Mall yet? I’m happy to be a part of it. Here’s an article that came out at the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette (online) today about it.
The Gallery at NWA Mall
Provenance of a Paint
Most of my paints begin with a rock. Sometimes I remember to record the process it goes through from rock to paint, and sometimes the process isn’t quick. This is the story of a paint made from a reddish sandstone …
What Does OOAK Mean?
What does OOAK mean in arts and crafts descriptions and titles? It means one of a kind (ooak), but this might not always be so clear cut as you might think. Pay close attention to item descriptions …
The New ‘Shop Wild Ozark’ Website
The new Shop Wild Ozark URL is
I’ve finally gotten most of the art, prints, notecards, and pigment products moved over to the new Shop Wild Ozark location. I’m sure there might have been an easier way to do …
Hunting the Wild Ozark Orchids
This morning I wanted to go to a granddaughter’s Kindergarten graduation, but the bridges were flooded, so that was nixed. Then I decided that I’d wait for it to quit raining and then go out to get some better photos …
Yard-Work Day | Hermit Journal
Maybe this isn’t a very interesting post, lol, but it’s what I’m doing today. It’s yard-work day. All week is supposed to be rain-free, so the whole week is outdoor work-week. With all the rains we’ve had, the grass is …
Spring Rains in the Ozarks
This morning the thunder boomed me out of the bed at 0400. Winds shook the house and the lightning strobed like a Halloween haunted house. This is not the sort of weather that gives me the urge to sleep, ha, …
NWA Maker’s at Mount Sequoia | April 30
Head over to the NWA Maker’s Market on April 30! If you’re anywhere near Fayetteville, Arkansas I hope you’ll pop in at Mt. Sequoia to say hello and check out all the incredible art and fine crafts that will be …
Coffeetime at Wild Ozark | A collection
Here’s a collection of paintings to celebrate coffeetime and delight the coffee lovers. Coffee with donut, coffee with beignets, a quiet coffee sipping spot, favorite mug, a somewhat unconventional way to drink coffee, and last but not least, coffee with …
An Artist’s Work Task List | Catching up with April
Hermit Journal 10 April 2022
Technically, I’m not really a hermit because my husband is here. But we both have projects to work on most days, so unless I’m helping him or he’s helping me, during the day we have …
New Acceptance | Watercolor USA 2022
The Forager was accepted to the 61st exhibition of Watercolor USA, a national, annual juried exhibition recognizing contemporary American watermedia painting. The juror was Kevin Umaña, co-founder of The Ekru Project, a Kansas City-based artist-run gallery focused …
Hermit Journal | Early on a March Morning
Every morning I feed the horses and chickens. Once it gets close to spring, I also begin my ‘get-in-shape’ program. Come along with me to feed the horses before I head out for a jog and walk early on a …
Finished A Painting Marathon, now taking a break
For the past five weeks, I’ve been on a painting marathon. That’s why I haven’t been making blog posts, and haven’t done much else, either. I’ve been working on a collection called Coffeetime at Wild Ozark. These are all smaller …
Wild Ozark Hermit Report | Upcoming Shows
The weather is torturing me with spells of warm, sunny days followed by days of bitter cold and wind. I’m so ready for spring. But it’s been busy around here and I haven’t had a chance to make a blog …
Hibernation Avoidance | Hermit Musings
This winter I haven’t felt much like doing anything at all outside. But yesterday the sun started shining and today it will continue. I think the temps will be bearable tomorrow, too. I want so badly to get outside and …
Fine Art NFT’s and Cute Things
When I woke up this morning it was 5*F. There is still ice and snow on the ground from the other day’s little cloudburst of wintery mix. I don’t want to start another painting because it’s tax season and I’ll …
Re-Creating the Forest Folk | Musings
I woke up yesterday morning with a burning desire to resurrect the Forest Folk I used to make. So I pulled some of my cleaned native clay out and started creating some body parts. I’ve had that clay stored …
Mistaken Identity | Sassafras or Osage?
I’d assumed the tree was a sassafras, and that bright orange bark peeling off in papery layers was sassafras root bark. But boy, I made a big mistake. I’ve spent a lot of years learning to identify the plants here, …
The Making of “The Forager” Painting | Black Bear
It’s sleeting on this chilly January morning as I gather my board and easel. I’m about to get started on The Forager painting. The subject is a young black bear munching on wild grapes.
Note: ‘The Forager’ will show …
First NFT Sale | Old Man Twisted Tree
This morning I accepted a bid on my first project at (no longer exists as of 2024) and made my first NFT sale. This is exciting to me, because the piece that sold was once a regular one of …