Earthy Art | Featuring Foraged Earth Pigments from Northwest Arkansas

I’ve loved nature my entire life, but only started painting in 2018 when I discovered the pigments held in the rocks in our creeks and even on the driveway. After that discovery, I became obsessed with creating earthy art from my handmade watercolor paints.

This is my Showy Orchid painting. Not all of the colors in earthy art are true to life. This orchid is much greener in reality, but I like the baroque look of the pigments.
This Showy orchid isn’t depicted in the actual greens of the real-life plant, but the pigments I used are made from our local rocks and are archival. I’m a purist in that I make every effort to use only use the colors of our locale. Prints are available. The original is sold.

2024 Began the Oil Paintings

I’d dabbled in 2023 with making a set of oil paints from our pigments, and found the earthy art I could create in this medium an exhilarating experience. The colors are deep and rich, and I simply enjoyed working with them in oil more than watercolors.

2024 kicked off the dedication to Ozark pigments in oils. So, you’ll find some of the art I have listed in my shop are watercolors, but over time, the balance of my inventory is becoming more oils.

Earthy Art Pigment Sources

While some parts of the United States and across the world have rocks that yield blue or green, here in northwest Arkansas, there aren’t any such minerals. Fortunately, most of what I love to paint most is quite accurately represented by the colors that are available.

Birds of prey are my favorite. All of those birds are pretty much the colors of the rocks. My earthy art might not be bright, but it comes from the very soul of the earth itself.

My earthy art comes from the soul of the earth itself.
So many colors right here in this one spot. But that red… oh, my heart.

The Raptors I’ve done so far…

I have a special affinity for the birds of prey. They’re beautiful. But, oh, so deadly. It’s that juxtaposition between beauty and viciousness that I like, I guess. And it’s also easy to see and appreciate the cycle of life when you observe a predator in action.

For there to be life, there must also be death… it holds true for all of us – even if you’re vegan. Something, somewhere, of some form, must die in order for us to live. And in that death is transformation.

It reminds me of the Law of Conservation of Mass … matter is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed. I suppose this is why raptors are my favorite earthy art subject.

This applies to the destructive process of making my paints, too. The rocks are changed. In some views, it looks as if I’ve destroyed them. But I haven’t. I’ve changed them somewhat, but only in form.

Some of my other earthy art…

You can see more of my earthy art at my portfolio page if you want. The link is at the end of my bio. Thanks for reading to the end!

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

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