Dragons Hatching!
Last fall I collected seeds from a large Green Dragon. I put the berries directly into pots and kept them overwinter in the ginseng nursery. The other morning I noticed they were hatching – er, sprouting! The link in the first sentence will take you to a page about the plant. It’s also where I’ll be posting update pictures from the seedlings that sprouted.

Now, I’m pretty sure these are Green Dragons. Except for the problem that I can’t find the original plant again this year. There’s a gigantic Jack-in-the-Pulpit growing near where it was though, so that has me a little concerned that these may actually be pulpit’s instead. But I am absolutely positive that it was a Dragon in that same area last year. So we’ll see. As these little seedlings mature it’ll be easy to tell the difference.
My Clematis is Blooming!

Ordinarily I landscape with native plants. But I have a weakness for the bright blooms of clematis. This is a flower I could never grow while we lived in south Louisiana, and it took me several years to cough up the money (or rather I asked Rob to cough it up, lol) to buy one at a nursery last year. One reason I like natives so much is that they’re freely available. But after jealously eyeing all the other beautiful clematises I’d seen growing at other houses, I gave in to the envie’ and splurged. I was so happy it survived the winter and started climbing the fence this year again, and the blooms bring me joy every time I look at them.
Feeding in the Rain
Last night it rained hard and plenty. This morning a gentle patter fell and I went out to feed the critters. I love walking around outside when the rain is light and the air is balmy.

The horses aren’t too happy about the mud returning to the gate area, though. Seems like it had finally dried out yesterday, and then the rain mushed it all up again last night.
Have a Great Weekend
Hope you’re having a great start to the weekend. I’ll be at the Kingston Fair on the Square if thunderstorms don’t run us out. Come by if you can!