An older post, but still representative. Eventually I’ll update it but for now, I’ll leave it alone:
This is the second year since making Wild Ozark my full-time endeavor. Over the past year, I’ve noticed a life-cycle of sorts. It’s …
~ Nature Artist in Kingston, Arkansas ~
Blog posts or photos that have to do with homesteading in the rural Ozarks of northwest Arkansas.
An older post, but still representative. Eventually I’ll update it but for now, I’ll leave it alone:
This is the second year since making Wild Ozark my full-time endeavor. Over the past year, I’ve noticed a life-cycle of sorts. It’s …
Today I donned a surgical mask to go out and gather the seed pods of Lobelia inflata. Why the mask?
Well, it’s the time of year when ragweed tries to assault me when I go outside. I’m …
Both of our horses foundered recently and I’m not sure what caused it. I suspect there was a large fruit drop from the persimmon and plum trees after the big flood in June.
The problems caused by eating something …
There are lots of videos at YouTube about wasp vs mantis, but they always show the mantis winning. Today I saw a wasp carrying the head of a praying mantis. I saw one yesterday, too.
I’ve found lots of info …
I’m a self-reliant writer for the most part. I’m also a homesteader and close to being a hermit (hermitress) these days. It would take a lot more money than I make at it to delegate any of the tasks, homesteaderly …
Anyone who has ever ridden, or rather, *driven* a four-wheeler on a tree-lined path will know exactly why this four-wheeler is sporting a lovely branch of wilted leaves.
It’s a “spider stick”. And it’s the person in front, if you’re …
So, with all the rain here, and now with the truck being broken which means until the road mud dries up some I can’t go out anywhere, I’m doing some of the other things on my creative bucket list. I …
This one just wanted to be left alone. It’s the second one I’d encountered that week, and both were relatively calm. Badger even stepped on the first one and didn’t notice until after …
Since the flood last Monday I haven’t done a whole lot of cleanup. The main reason for that is the landslide.…
I have two black marans setting eggs.
Each hen was in a separate box, sitting on her own clutch of eggs. There are other boxes for the other hens to lay eggs in, too.
I haven’t been finding eggs in …
We’ve had a lot of rain in the last days here in the Ozark Highlands. 7 inches in a few hours Monday night. That’s too much rain for our little creeks and hollers.
Lots of folks have lost homes, cattle, …
Gnats have made it nearly impossible for me to stand being outside at my potting bench for very long.
Yesterday I did the little bit of work I needed to do at it while trying not to breathe so the …
I have a hard time believing I have no pictures – at all – of ripe elderberry fruit. After digging through file after unfruitful file, I thought it might be faster to just go get a new photo.
Not quite.…
When you can hear the roar of the wet-weather waterfall from the house, you know the water’s up. If you can see the waterfall from the front porch, it’s a fair bet the creek is way over the bridge.
When …
Last fall I collected seeds from a large Green Dragon. I put the berries directly into pots and kept them overwinter in the ginseng nursery. The other morning I noticed they were hatching – er, sprouting! The …
Apparently there’s a snake in the hen-house. Looks like the hens had some stealthy company yesterday. The unwelcome guest left a bit of evidence behind for me to find this morning.
I searched under all of the nexts and behind the …
Arnold is a Fall chicken. He hatched from an egg, along with his three nestlings way back in October (I think). The clutch of eggs that had hatched shortly before his fell prey to a large black rat snake. You …
Today we were gifted with more snow. Yesterday when I got out of bed, the sun shown brightly with promises of warmth at least from direct sunlight. So I let the horses out to scrounge around for what little grass …
It’s our first snowy day for the season. First it sleeted about an inch or so, then it snowed. It’s still snowing today. Not too much but enough to make everything look pretty. It’s about 20*F, so no danger of …
Is herbalism exclusively for animals and people? Why not herbalism for plants?
I’ve never heard of anyone else using herbs to treat plants. There’s lots of information about how to use plants to treat people (and animals), but not for …
We have an Arkansas Black apple tree overgrown by brush and saplings. Is it possible to recover an apple tree after it’s gotten overgrown?
Pruning it has been on my list of things to do for a few years now. …
I enjoy seeing signs of life in the dead of winter. This week hasn’t been the typical dead of winter. Today was a beautiful day, sunny and nearly 70*F, and I became tired of figuring taxes. Time to go outside …
We’re holding our breath here this morning at Wild Ozark, waiting to see what happens when the lines on the mountain thaw.
See, we’d insulated all the lines under the house and figured, hey, it shouldn’t freeze now under there …