Free Will | Broad-winged Hawk #1

Broad-winged hawk in Ozark pigments by Madison Woods.

While the background is drying on my cow painting, I’m going to start on this 12 x 12″ painting of a broad-winged hawk on canvas. It’s been cold in the studio and that causes oil paints to take even longer to dry between layers. And if this one is wet, and Brahman Mama is still wet, then I have a third canvas ready to go for Broad-winged #2 to pull out of my box. Then I’ll have three in progress. Out of three, there should at least be one always ready to work on. I hope. There isn’t much room in the house for me to have wet canvases lying around.

Here’s the reference photo. The background on my canvas is an abstract mottled with earthy pigments, not this dark blue. While the blue is pretty, the earth tones match my style more, and I like it better. You can see the canvas in the progress section, below. Here’s a link to a post to learn more about this species, if you’re interested in that.

© Wild Ozark

I’ll update with my progress as I take breaks and have time to upload photos. In the meantime, if you’ll follow me at Instagram or FB, I usually post updates all along in closer to real time there. But it’s easiest to see start to finish here on this page, where all of the photos will be in sequential order. Social media feeds have become wonky, it seems.

Broad-Winged Progression

The first strokes are always the most anxiety-producing. I know beforehand that they won’t be right, and I also know that with some work, it’ll come about. So the fear is beginning to decrease a little, but this is after five years of painting now. Maybe it’ll never completely go away, lol.

Broad-winged hawk in Ozark pigments by Madison Woods.

The palette

All of the colors I’m using are handmade oil paints from local Ozark pigments, except for the titanium. I’ve yet to find anything local that will work to create an opaque white oil paint.

Once I’m confident a painting will ‘work’, I list it in my online shop under the ‘On the Easel’ category. There’s always a discount while it’s still in progress, until it’s been varnished and ready to frame. This one is one I know is going to be beautiful and it’s posted there now:

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

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