A Bearded Dragon in Ozark Pigments | Painting Process

It’s not an Ozark critter, for sure, but I had a photo of my grand-daughter’s Bearded Dragon and so I painted it today. A print for Karter is already framed and ready to deliver for her birthday. This was a quick painting, practice doing faster works that aren’t as detailed. I’m usually not nearly so fast from start to end. But less detail work takes a lot less time.

Prints and Notecards are available:

Bearded Dragon in Progress

Here's the process of my bearded dragon painting.
The outline, and the photograph I’m working from (my own photo).

The Finished Painting

The sources for the pigments I used today are all from stones found right here around Wild Ozark. The black is from a black stone that I think may be bituminous coal. It’s not real plentiful, but these black rocks are scattered here and there and we usually find them on the driveway. The rest were all sandstones of varying shades of colors.

Isn’t Petunia a cute little bearded dragon?

Petunia, the Bearded Dragon in Ozark pigments.
Petunia, the Bearded Dragon. 5 x 7″ prints and notecards available. Original SOLD.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!


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