Our Heritage Through the Arts at 1894 Gallery in Texarkana

These are the paintings hanging in the 1894 Gallery in Texarkana until November 30, 2019.

I’m pleased to announce that three of my Paleo Paintings using Ozark Pigments and handmade watercolors are invited to hang at 1894 Gallery for the Heritage Heart and Arts exhibit in Texarkana, AR. Dates are October 26 through November 30.

1894 Gallery

The name of the exhibit is “Our Heritage Through the Arts“. The exhibit will hang from Oct. 26 through November 30 at 1894 Gallery in Texarkana, AR. The opening reception is Saturday, October 26 from 2 to 4 p.m.

1894 Gallery
105 Olive Street
Texarkana, Arkansas

The Paintings

If you’d like to see the process of making these three paintings, here are the links:

  • On the Cusp
  • Rhapsody
  • Ponca Access in Summertime (Longevity of the color- important note for collectors. Usually I don’t use plant pigments, but this one incorporates a green derived from plant pigments. That particular color isn’t light fast, so the painting will need to be kept under museum glass for long term preservation. For the show it will be under a UV resistant plexiglass.)

For Sale

All of them will be framed and for sale during the show. The only one I’d recommend re-framing would be the Ponca in Summertime. It needs museum glass to give it long-term protection from UV light because the green is from a plant pigment. If kept under museum glass it should stay very close to original color for many years. However, eventually the green will fade or darken to brown. I have no idea how long that might take- it could be within a few years, or perhaps not even in your lifetime. The painting will still be pretty, but the color will eventually change.

Paintings sold during the exhibit can be picked up from the gallery, but I’m not sure if they can be taken before the end of the show.

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